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Innowise jest międzynarodową firmą tworzącą oprogramowanie w pełnym cyklu założona w 2007 roku. Jesteśmy zespołem ponad 2000+ specjalistów IT tworzących oprogramowanie dla innych profesjonalistów na całym świecie. profesjonalistów na całym świecie.
O nas
Innowise jest międzynarodową firmą tworzącą oprogramowanie w pełnym cyklu założona w 2007 roku. Jesteśmy zespołem ponad 2000+ specjalistów IT tworzących oprogramowanie dla innych profesjonalistów na całym świecie. profesjonalistów na całym świecie.

Zatrudnij dedykowany zespół programistów

Potrzebujesz elastycznego zespołu programistycznego, który możesz szybko skalować w górę lub w dół oraz uzyskać dostęp do specjalistycznej wiedzy technicznej lub domenowej w ciągu kilku dni? Innowise ma wszystko, czego potrzebujesz! Zatrudnij dedykowany zespół programistów złożony z wyselekcjonowanych profesjonalistów IT, przydzielonych wyłącznie do Twojego projektu – tak jak Twój wewnętrzny zespół, ale bardziej efektywny i bez obciążeń.

Zatrudnij dedykowanych programistów, którzy będą pielęgnować Twój projekt tak samo, jak Ty.

Istnieje wiele rodzajów usług outsourcingu IT do wyboru, w zależności od specyficznych potrzeb projektu. Dedykowany zespół to grupa profesjonalistów zatrudnionych do pracy wyłącznie nad konkretnymi zadaniami, poświęconych wyłącznie projektowi klienta. Te zespoły zapewniają specjalistyczną wiedzę, aby pomóc Ci osiągnąć cele biznesowe. Dzięki dedykowanemu zespołowi firmy uzyskują szybką adaptację do zmian i zwiększoną kontrolę nad projektem. To prowadzi do skrócenia czasu wprowadzenia produktu na rynek i optymalizacji kosztów.
Programiści front-end
Programiści back-end
Programiści full-stack
Programiści mobilni
Doświadczenie w 3D
Projektanci UI/UX
Inżynierowie DevOps
Analitycy biznesowi
Architekci oprogramowania
Naukowcy zajmujący się danymi
Inżynierowie QA/AQA
Kierownicy projektów
Inżynierowie chmury
Inżynierowie danych
konsultantów IT
Inni specjaliści IT

Stos technologiczny

Nasi programiści najwyższej klasy są doświadczeni i biegli we wszystkich aktualnych językach programowania i frameworkach. Dostosujemy cały Twój projekt do każdej złożoności i stosu technologicznego, którego potrzebujesz. Niezależnie od tego, jak trudne jest zadanie, nasi wysoko wykwalifikowani programiści stworzą idealne rozwiązanie programistyczne dla Ciebie.


React, Redux, Redux-Saga, RxJS, React-Native, Three.JS, NextJS
Angular, NgRx, NGXS, MobX, Formly, Ionic    
Vue.js, Vuex, Vue Router, NuxtJS, Vue CLI, Vue Meta
Material, Ant Design, Apollo GraphQL, Protractor, Jasmine, Jest, Enzyme, Mocha, Electron, SSR, Lodash, Date-FNS, CSS, SASS/SCSS, LESS, Lerna, TypeScript


Objective-C/Swift, MVP, MVVM, Clean Swift, SnapKit, GCD, Alamofire, URLSession, MapKit, CoreLocation, XCTest, CoreData
Java/Kotlin, MVP, MVVM, Clean Architecture, AAC (ViewModel, LiveData, Lifecycle, Navigation Component, Paging), Dagger2, Hilt, RxJava 2, Coroutines, Retrofit, ViewBinding, JUnit, Mockito, Robolectric, detekt, SQLite + Room
Bloc, Clean Architecture, Flutter, Dart async, RxDart, Dart Streams, Navigator 2.0, GetIt, Mocktail, SQFlite
React-Native, React-Navigation, Redux, Redux-Saga, TypeScript, StyleSheet, Firebase, Styled-Components


Java, Spring Framework (Core, Data, Boot, Batch, Cloud, Security, Retry, MVC, AOP, Reactor), MapStruct, Lombok, WebFlux, Hibernate, JPA2, Kafka, Flyway, Microservices Architecture, Docker, Kubernetes, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Redis
.NET Core, ASP.NET Core MVC, ASP.NET Web API, ASP.NET MVC, Xamarin.Forms, WPF, UWP, Stateless Architecture, Microservices, Azure Cloud (App Service, IoT Hub, Event Hub)
Django, Django Rest Framework, Flask, FastAPI, AsyncIo, AioHttp, Tornado, Celery, architektura mikrousług, Docker/Kubernetes, PostgreSQL, MySQL, MongoDB, Redis, DynamoDB
DUKPT, Laravel, Symfony, Yii2, WordPress, Drupal, MySQL, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, REST/SOAP/GraphQL API, OAuth, HTML, Twig, Swagger, Redis, ElasticSearch, Docker, Stripe, PayPal
NestJS, Koa, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, AWS
Unity, Godot, Blender, Krita, Amplify Shader Editor, MapBox SDK, Unity IAP; Firebase SDK; ARCore, AR Foundation, ARKit, Vuforia; Google VR SDK, Steam VR SDK; Unity XR Platform SDK
Ruby on Rails, Sinatra, Hanami, Padrino, Volt, EventMachine, Rack, Sidekiq, GraphQL, Web Socket, Swagger, JWT, OAuth
Go, gORM, Gin, protobuf, gRPC, AWS, GCP, Docker, Redis, Mongo DB, PostgreSQL
Rust, Rustup, Cargo, clap, structopt, argh, actix-web, gotham, nickel, rocket, axum, tide, warp, yew, wasm-bindgen, js-sys, web-sys, gloo. Gry: amethyst, bevy, fyrox, piston, nannou, ggez, godot, raylib, SFML
STL/C++11/14/17/20, GCC, CLang, MSVC++, WinDBG, GDB, Visual Studio, QTCreator, VIM, VSCode, CMake, Makefile, Ninja, Conan, Vcpkg, Boost, opencv, poco, protobuf, gRPC, fmt, pybindll, spdlog, ranges_v3, tensorflow, opencl, Asio++, gtest/gmock, cppunit, QT, catch2, google profiler, pytorch c++, chromium
Unreal Engine, C++, C, C#, Blueprints, UAT, UE4 Shader Graph, Unity URP HLSL, OpenGL ES
Cobol, GnuCOBOL, VSAM, JCL, TSO/ISPF, XPEDITER, FileAid, Changeman, CICS, Hostbridge, SQL/DB2, Endevor, Visual Studio, TACL, FTP, SFTP, SCOBOL, DDL, ENFORM, eInspect, Batchcom


Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2), Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3), Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS), DynamoDB, Relational Database Service (RDS), AWS Lambda, ElastiCache, CloudSearch
Azure Virtual Machines, Azure Web Apps, Azure Functions, Azure Blob Storage, Azure Notification Hub, Azure AI, Azure IoT Hub, Azure Event Hub, Azure Tables, Azure Queue, Azure DevOps Pipelines, Azure Content Delivery Network, Azure Application Insights, Azure Kubernetes, Azure SQL
Google Compute Engine, Google App Engine, Google Kubernetes Engine, Google Cloud Functions, Google Cloud SQL, Google Cloud Storage, Google Cloud Datastore, Google Cloud Bigtable
SAP ABAP 7.5+, SAP UI5, SAP Fiori, JavaScript, HTML, XML, JSON, SAP S/4Hana (HANA DB, AMDP, CDS-extractors), SAP S/4Hana Cloud Public, SAP FI, SAP SD, SAP RE, SAP SCM, SAP HCM, SAP BTP, SAP RAP i CAP, ADT Eclipse, SOAP, OData APIs, ABAP Proxy, FTP, SFTP, IDOC, DBOC, PBF Adobe form, XSTL, MWB, migracja S/4Hana, ALV Grid, ALV Tree
Salesforce, kod Apex, Visualforce, Site.com, Customer 360 Platform, Lightning Web Components, REST/SOAP API

Integracja zespołu nie powinna stanowić przeszkody.

Nasz dedykowany zespół bez trudu dostosowuje się do Twojego środowiska, zapewniając ciągłość realizacji projektów.

Dlaczego warto zatrudnić dedykowany zespół programistów?

Zlikwiduj lokalną lukę wśród specjalistów

If your organization doesn’t have experts with the needed know-how or domain skills to meet the project needs and they don’t plan on getting this experience in their company, hiring dedicated developers is essential.

Pełne zaangażowanie zespołu

Our skilled professionals will stay with you until the project is finished. If you’d like to maintain your software further, you can continue the partnership, and we’ll still provide all the services of our dedicated software development team.

Kompleksowy rozwój

We assemble remote development teams and integrate them easily. Our team takes care of everything during the software development process so you don’t have to worry about finding the right people for your project.

Elastyczność i skalowalność zespołu

Zmiana obciążenia pracą będzie wymagać dostosowania wielkości zespołu rozproszonego, więc zapewnimy, że masz odpowiednich ludzi. Zatrudniamy dedykowanych programistów w miarę potrzeb, zapobiegając dodatkowemu obciążeniu istniejącego personelu.

Skuteczne delegowanie

You have a choice: either take charge by defining objectives, assigning responsibilities, and more or allow a project manager or business analyst to manage it. Don’t hesitate to assign tasks – we’ll ensure everything operates efficiently.

Długoterminowe rozwiązanie

If your project is likely to keep evolving, it’s important to find specialists who will stay with it for the long run. Hiring a dedicated development can be invaluable for long-term projects with frequent adjustments to the requirements.

Unikanie dodatkowych obciążeń

Firma outsourcingowa organizuje proces zatrudniania i dba o przygotowanie zdalnego zespołu – od wyboru specjalistów po podpisanie umów o poziomie usług. To zapewnia, że masz dedykowanych specjalistów gotowych do działania bez dodatkowego wysiłku.


Hiring specialists in-house entails expenses such as annual bonus payments, maternity and sick leaves, etc. It’s more affordable and faster to hire remote developers than trying to find each tech specialist on your own and hiring HR managers.

Wiedza specjalistyczna dedykowanych zespołów Innowise

W Innowise nasi dedykowani programiści mają głębokie zrozumienie domeny, w której się specjalizują. Niezależnie od tego, czy chodzi o aplikacji internetowych w pełnym cyklu, lub usługi tworzenia aplikacji mobilnych, nasza wiedza pozwala nam dostarczać produkty i usługi najwyższej jakości, którym możesz zaufać. Z wieloletnim doświadczeniem nasi wykwalifikowani profesjonaliści gwarantują pełną satysfakcję klienta. Nasze podejście jest dostosowane do Twoich potrzeb, dzięki czemu możesz być pewien wyników, które przewyższają oczekiwania.

Big data i inżynieria danych

Analiza i wizualizacja danych

Sztuczna inteligencja

Uczenie maszynowe

Wizja komputerowa

Nauka o danych

Analityka biznesowa


Rzeczywistość rozszerzona i wirtualna

Internet rzeczy



Zalety dedykowanych zespołów programistycznych Innowise


szybszy rozwój dzięki dedykowanemu zespołowi


taniej niż rozbudowa zespołu wewnętrznego


zwiększona efektywność procesów wewnętrznych

Access to a vast tech pool

With over 1,600 staff members and an additional 50,000 talents in our pool, we are able to quickly close gaps in specialist roles and build a complete team on short notice.

Proven processes

With 17 years of experience, we ensure successful recruitment and hiring. For each project, we provide comprehensive onboarding and effective teamwork.

End-to-end development and support

We tackle any project, from design to DevOps, including IT advisory and support. Customers don't need to search for different experts at multiple companies - we have them all.

Transparency and control

Outsourcing business tasks can be tricky to manage. But when you hire dedicated developers at Innowise, you'll have complete oversight over the project development.

Dostępni dedykowani programiści do zatrudnienia

Josh T.
Senior React Native Developer 5+ years of experience
Senior Developer with over 5 years of experience in mobile and web development and strong object-oriented design, programming and debugging skills.
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Alex K.
Senior Node.js Developer 5+ years experience
Software Developer with 5+ years of proven practical experience in creating web solutions with the help of Node.js (Express, Nest), JavaScript (React mainly), and React Native for mobile devices.
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Tom L.
Middle Unity Developer 3+ years experience
Middle Unity Developer with solid experience in VR solutions development for Oculus Rift and Oculus Quest 2.
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Leo M.
Senior Angular Developer 6+ years of experience
Quickly adaptable Senior Angular Developer with over 6 years of experience developing hybrid mobile and web applications and practical background in object-oriented programming.
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Paul K.
Middle Android Developer 4+ years experience
Goal-driven Android developer with 4+ years experience in Android mobile applications development and comprehensive understanding agile programming methodologies and mobile development cycle.
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Andrew R.
Senior iOS Developer 5+ years of experience
IOS Developer with 5+ years of experience developing and maintaining IOS apps for the e-commerce industry. Andrew combines IT expertise with project leadership skills and business acumen for outstanding performance.
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Michael M.
Senior Java Developer 6+ years experience
Senior Java Developer with 6+ years of experience of commercial experience with Java Core, Java EE, Spring (MVC, Data, Boot, Security), Atmosphere, RDBMS, Angular 9, Groovy.
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Lea S.
Senior Flutter Developer 4+ years experience
Results-oriented Senior Flutter Developer and research professional with over 4 years experience in developing mobile application via Flutter and native iOS SDK.
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Hanna F.
Senior QA Engineer 7+ years experience
Initiative QA Engineer with over 7 years of experience and strong skills in web testing. Hands-on experience in API/UI automation. Solid skills in different types of testing and test documentation.
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Matthew P.
Senior React Developer 5+ years of experience
Senior Software Developer with over 5+ years of experience mainly focusing on building web applications with React and Redux, coding layouts with HTML/CSS and programming interactive web applications.
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Andrew D.
Senior Data Engineer 6+ years of experience
Senior Data Engineer with 6+ years of experience in designing, maintaining, and optimizing data infrastructure for data collection, management, and transformation.
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Matthew Z.
Senior Angular Developer 7+ years of experience
Result-oriented Senior Developer with over 7 years in the IT field with experience in creating high-quality websites, mobile and TV cross-platform applications using the latest development tools and frameworks.
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Nicolas N.
Senior iOS Developer 7+ years of experience
Mobile Developer with vast experience developing and maintaining IOS apps in different domains. Strong knowledge of application life cycle, UI/UX, executing code review and controlling project development processes.
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Arthur K.
Senior Node.js Developer 4+ years experience
Node. js Developer with wide experience in backend development and deep knowledge in applications bundling and using Webpack, and building with Gulp, real-time databases CouchDB, RethinkDB.
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Eugene B.
Senior Vue.js Developer 4+ years of experience
Software Engineer with over 4 years of experience in Information Technologies with a focus on Web technologies. Experienced in implementing new and providing support for existing software solutions.
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Max F.
Senior React Developer 5+ years of experience
Knowledgeable React Developer with over 5 years of experience in mobile apps and progressive web apps development with React and React-Native technologies.
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Harry V.
Senior Python Developer 5+ years of experience
Enthusiastic and knowledgeable Senior Back-End Developer with vast experience in designing and implementing complex solutions and proficiency in vital frameworks.
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Boris G.
Middle Android Developer 4+ years experience
Middle Android Developer with deep understanding of object-oriented programming principles, software development cycle and development experience at all stages.
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Max  H.
Senior QA Engineer 5+ years experience
Customer-oriented and knowledgeable QA specialist with a solid IT education background. Deep understanding of SQL, scripting, manual testing, and test management using JIRA, API testing, and Charles.
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Paul Y.
Senior Angular Developer 5+ years of experience
IT professional with good architecture design skills and over 5 years of experience in software development using Angular 2+, NodeJS, Ionic, Cordova, AngularJS, JSON/XML, Bootstrap, JSON, etc.
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Zachary D.
Senior PHP Developer 20+ years of experience
Senior Software Architect and Zend Certified PHP Engineer with profound experience in designing and implementing complex solutions from scratch based on monolith and microservice architectures.
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Nick A.
Senior .NET Developer 8+ years experience
Certified Software Developer who is well-versed in numerous programming languages and tools including Azure, .NET Core, C#, JavaScript, and SQL during more than 8 years in product development.
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Eugene P.
Middle React Native Developer 3+ years of experience
Software Developer with 3+ years of experience with React and React-Native, an understanding of React Native best practices and a commitment to following them.
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Paul S.
Middle Flutter Developer 3+ years experience
Professional software developer and research expert with 3+ years of experience in Flutter development and multi-task priorities in high-pressure environments.
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Leo M.
Senior Java Developer 8+ years experience
Qualified Software Engineer with 8+ years of IT experience with main emphasis on back-end development using Java, Spring Core, Spring MVC and Big Data technologies, such as Hadoop, Hive, Spark, etc.
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Andrew B.
Senior Unity Developer 5+ years experience
Senior Unity Developer with wide experience in coordinating development teams and solving cases in different technical spheres. Experience in designing and creating 3D-models based on Unity engine, projects with Mixed Reality for Microsoft HoloLens, VR, and AR.
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Stephen D.
Middle Xamarin Developer 4+ years experience
Certified Software Developer with strong background in project management and over 4 years of experience in software development using Xamarin, ASP.NET, Entity Framework, JQuery, HTML5, MsSQL, REST API, Unity 3D, Git, SQLite.
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Den B.
Senior JavaScript Developer 7+ years of experience
Senior Web-developer with 7+ experience in several IT-areas. Main directions of development are web based application development, frontend / backend stack development, design for web and mobile interfaces.
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Serge K.
Middle Xamarin Developer 4+ years of experience
Software Developer with over 4 years of experience in cross-platform Xamarin development (Xamarin Forms, Xamarin Android) and strong technical, analytical and problem solving skills.
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Andrew R.
Senior iOS Developer 5+ years of experience
IOS Developer with 5+ years of experience developing and maintaining IOS apps for e-commerce industry. Andrew combines IT expertise with project leadership skills and business acumen for outstanding performance.
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Phil K.
Senior Data Engineer 5+ years experience
Senior Data Engineer with experience in working on a large number of projects with complex architecture, various technologies, and tight deadlines, and providing assistance in all project phases.
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Peter F.
Middle .NET Developer 4+ years experience
Software developer with 4+ years of commercial experience in .NET development including WPF, ASP.NET Core, ASP.NET MVC, RESTful Web and a focus of solving non-trivial problems.
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Max W.
Senior Node.js Developer 4+ years experience
Software Developer with 4+ years of engineering experience with main focus on Node, good knowledge of SQL and NoSQL databases, and experience in integrating payment API.
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Leo B.
Middle .NET Developer 4+ years experience
Middle .NET Developer with over 4 years of successful experience and knowledge of .NET framework and building cloud solutions with Microsoft Azure platform.
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Daniel R.
Middle iOS Developer 4+ years of experience
Middle Mobile Development Specialist with over 4 years of experience in commercial IOS projects and extensive Swift skills across many industries.
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Den K.
Senior PHP Developer 15+ years experience
Highly qualified PHP Web Developer with perfect understanding of all stages of software development process and experience in system and databases administration.
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Paul N.
Senior Angular Developer 6+ years of experience
Qualified Frontend Developer with 6+ years of software development using Angular best practices and proven experience with multiple front-end languages and their libraries.
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Matthew M.
Senior Data Engineer 4+ years of experience
Knowledgeable Data Engineer with over 4 years of experience of making data accessible so that clients can use it to evaluate and optimize their performance.
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Alex K.
Senior JavaScript Developer 5+ years experience
Senior software developer with 5+ years of proven practical experience in creating web solutions with the help of Node.js and JavaScript, and React Native for mobile devices.
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Andrew V.
Senior Flutter Developer 4+ years experience
Flutter developer with 4+ years of experience in developing iOS and Android applications. Strong knowledge of application life cycle, release cycle, architecture, UI/UX and Agile methodologies.
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Daniil R.
Middle iOS Developer 4+ years of experience
Middle Mobile Development Specialist with over 4 years of experience in commercial IOS projects and extensive Swift skills across many industries.
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Thomas M.
Senior JavaScript Developer 5+ years experience
Senior Software Developer with technical proficiency in different frontend and backend technologies: NodeJS, Express, Koa, NestJS, Passport, React, Redux, AntDesign, Material UI, Redux-Saga.
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Jacob F.
Middle Flutter Developer 3+ years experience
Flutter Developer with over 3 years of experience developing cross platform applications, good communication skills, high motivation, and experience in different software development methodologies.
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Jacob B.
Senior QA Engineer 5+ years experience
QA Engineer with 5+ years of experience testing web-based applications and mobile apps. Excellent understanding of the quality assurance planning, product development, and testing of the life cycle of software products.
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Matthew M.
Senior PHP Developer 20+ years of experience
Senior Back-end Developer with wide experience in software development across all relevant domains from Healthcare to Entertainment.
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Serge A.
Senior .NET Developer 5+ years of experience
Full stack .NET developer with strong technical, analytical and problem solving skills and over 5 years of commercial experience with ASP.NET, .NET Core, .NET Framework, C#, Entity Framework, WPF, RabbitMQ, MS SQL Server, PostgreSQL.
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Hanna H.
Senior .NET Developer 6+ years experience
Hard-working .NET developer with over 6 years of practical experience in architecture and microservices development and building cloud solutions with Microsoft Azure platform.
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Natalie D.
Senior QA Engineer 11+ years of experience
Senior QA Engineer with over 11 years of experience in Manual testing. Strong skills in Functional and Non-functional testing, setting of STLC processes, and the Agile model of development.
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John S.
Middle Unity Developer 4+ years experience
Middle Unity Developer with hands on skills, proven VR solutions development background and excellent knowledge of C#, Unity3D.
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Nick C.
Senior Node.js Developer 4+ years experience
Node.js Developer with good understanding of the software development cycle and over 4 years of software development experience using NodeJS, Express, Passport, React, Redux, AntDesign, Material UI, Redux-Saga.
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Alex N.
Middle Xamarin Developer 3+ years of experience
IT specialist with over 15 years of experience in software engineering for different industries and over 3 years of successful development and deployment of several complex projects using Xamarin.
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Oliver M.
Senior React Native Developer 5+ years of experience
Senior Developer with over 5 years of experience in web-based application development, backend/frontend stack development, and cross-platform mobile development.
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Eugene B.
Senior Node.js Developer 4+ years experience
Senior Node.js Developer with over 4 years of experience in commercial software development and excellent understanding of both web programming and web design technologies.
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Alex D.
Senior Xamarin Developer 7+ years of experience
Senior Software Developer possessing a strong technical background, and solid expertise in developing reliable, scalable, highly-efficient solutions, and creating automated tests using Selenium and Appium.
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Nick L.
Senior Python Developer 5+ years experience
Senior Python Developer with experience in designing and developing large vertically and horizontally scalable monoliths, microservices, serverless applications, and assistance at all stages of project development.
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Eric S.
Senior Python Developer 7+ years of experience
Back-End Developer, mostly engaged in developing applications in REST architecture using Django with solid experience in designing microservice architectures and writing services for parsing.
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Daniel K.
Senior Java Developer 5+ years of experience
Software developer with 5+ years of hands-on experience developing Java applications and good knowledge of Spring Ecosystem, including Spring Cloud, Hibernate, JSON/XML, ElasticSearch.
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Stephen K.
Senior Data Engineer 5+ years experience
Experienced Data Engineer who streamlines data science workflows to solve business problems, building and maintaining the infrastructure to improve processes.
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Andrew A.
Senior QA Engineer 10+ years experience
Senior QA Architect with a deep understanding of CI/CD systems, automation tools and frameworks, performance testing patterns, QA and QC best practices and full cycle of QA activities integrated with development.
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George K.
Senior Java Developer 7+ years of experience
Senior Java Developer with 7+ years of experience in developing and supporting business applications and infrastructures. George participated in leading teams, components and modules development, staff training, writing tests, support and maintenance of existing code.
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Matthew P.
Senior Android Developer 6+ years experience
Android Developer with 6+ years of experience developing, testing and maintaining cutting-edge applications in the E-commerce and entertainment industries.
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Victor M.
Senior React Developer 5+ years of experience
Senior React Developer with technical proficiency in different Front-end technologies and 5+ years of experience in web based application development, Front-end/Back-end stack development, design for web interfaces.
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Gregory A.
Senior React Native Developer 4+ years of experience
Senior Front-end Developer with over 4 years of experience in the development of highly scalable mobile apps and progressive web apps using React and React Native.
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Anthony F.
Middle React Developer 3+ years of experience
Experienced Developer with technical proficiency in different software technologies including React, backend development using NestJS, blockchain technologies, and practical experience with Rust and C++.
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Dmitry K.
Middle iOS Developer 4+ years of experience
Organized and skilled iOS developer with 4+ years of professional experience in dynamic work environments and an understanding of how to make beautiful UI and useful UX for iOS applications.
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Igor N.
Senior iOS Developer 7+ years of experience
Mobile Developer with vast experience developing and maintaining IOS apps in different domains. Strong knowledge of application life cycle, UI/UX, executing code review, and controlling project development processes.
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George M.
Middle Unity Developer 3+ years experience
Middle Unity Developer with successful experience in working with VR, AR and mobile projects. Good knowledge of algorithms and structures of data, architectural design patterns.
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Max T.
Senior JavaScript Developer 8+ years of experience
Senior JavaScript Developer with wide experience in frontend development with React, Redux, TypeScript, D3, Jest. Experience in GNU/Linux based OS and backend development using Node, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, Express, Swagger.
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Victor H.
Senior PHP Developer 5+ years experience
Senior PHP Developer with hands-on skills, experience in maintaining small and enterprise level applications, and proven full-stack development background.
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Roman S.
Senior Python Developer 7+ years experience
Experienced Python Back-End Developer, mainly engaged in implementing projects with the REST architecture, with ability to create effective, convenient, and easy-to-maintain projects on time.
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Emma T.
Senior AQA Engineer 11+ years of experience
Senior AQA Engineer with over 11 years of experience in Automation testing. Strong skills in Java, Python, Kotlin. She also combines her strong technical knowledge with working as BA, Project Manager, and Scrum Master.
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Alex B.
Senior React Native Developer 4+ years of experience
Senior React Native Developer with over 4 years of experience in mobile and web development, writing correct and efficient code and a deep understanding of the full mobile app development lifecycle.
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Matthew K.
Middle iOS Developer 4+ years of experience
Organised and skilled iOS developer with 4+ years of professional experience in dynamic work environments and understanding of how to make beautiful UI and useful UX for iOS applications.
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Paul K.
Senior PHP Developer 10+ years experience
Senior PHP Developer with over 10 years of full-stack development and advanced knowledge in PHP5.x/8.x, Javascript/NodeJS, Sphinx, MySql, MongoDb 3.x., Nginx, Redis.
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Edward B.
Senior JavaScript Developer 5+ years experience
Senior Web Developer with more than 5 years production experience with different front-end technologies like React, React-Native, Angular and Ionic/Cordova and deep understanding data structures and database design.
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Alex K.
Middle Unity Developer 4+ years of experience
Highly qualified Unity Developer with a professional focus on mobile (casual, hyper-casual, midcore) and desktop game development and good communication skills.
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Znalezienie idealnego zespołu stało się łatwiejsze.

Our dedicated teams are tailored to fill the gap in your project’s requirements, offering specific skills and expertise.

Dedykowany zespół programistów: obszary odpowiedzialności


  • Planowanie zasobów i zarządzanie zespołem
  • Zapewnienie pełnej infrastruktury i komfortowych warunków biurowych
  • Regularne monitorowanie wydajności i przejrzyste raportowanie
  • Rozwój personelu i transfer wiedzy
  • Wprowadzanie i wdrażanie nowych pracowników
  • Motywacja personelu, szkolenia i rozwój
  • Kompensacja za zwolnienia chorobowe
  • Przygotowanie aktów odbioru
  • Uzgodnienie konta
  • Rekrutacja i zatrudnianie specjalistów na żądanie


  • Odpowiedzialność za produkt i rozwój strategii
  • Ogólna mapa drogowa produktu i zarządzanie zaległościami
  • Definicja zadań wysokiego poziomu
  • Decyzja dotycząca planowania wydania
  • Proces akceptacji i opracowywanie kryteriów
  • Opinie i oceny członków dedykowanego zespołu

Jak zorganizować pracę z dedykowanym zespołem programistycznym?

Innowise offers a dedicated team model to help customers reach their goals. We augment dedicated teams with a project manager and a technical lead who are responsible for the project. They make certain that the client’s expectations are met and that the project stays on budget and on schedule. The project manager distributes tasks, monitors performance, produces reports, manages risk and collects queries. The technical lead is responsible for technical decisions and verifies code quality. This approach enables Innowise to deliver excellent results while contributing our expertise to the customer’s success.

Etap przygotowania
Etap konfiguracji
Etap wydajności

Modele outsourcingu IT do porównania

Model dedykowanego zespołu
Co to jest?
Zapewniamy zespoły składające się z ponad 3 ekspertów IT z kierownikiem projektu zaangażowanym wyłącznie w Twój projekt.Wzmocnienie wewnętrznego personelu o maksymalnie dwóch specjalistów IT poprzez outsourcing IT.Obsługujemy cały proces rozwoju dla klienta i dostarczamy gotowy produkt.
Kiedy wybrać?
Możesz skorzystać z dedykowanych programistów, aby wzmocnić swój obecny personel wewnętrzny lub zebrać wieloaspektową grupę od dostawcy usług outsourcingowych.Zwiększenie personelu IT są najlepszą opcją, jeśli chcesz szybko i skutecznie poszerzyć zasoby talentów i wiedzę techniczną przy znacznych oszczędnościach kosztów.Wybór opcji tworzenia oprogramowania na zamówienie jest najmądrzejszym posunięciem dla firm bez wewnętrznego działu IT.

Nasi partnerzy o współpracy z Innowise

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Innowise to niezawodny partner technologiczny, pracujący jako część naszego zespołu. Są pracowitymi specjalistami, wnoszącymi duże doświadczenie i zaangażowanie we wszystko, co rozwijają.

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Jeff Mallett CEO Web3 Pro
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Jesteśmy bardziej niż zadowoleni z naszej owocnej współpracy z Innowise, ponieważ wykonują zadania zgodnie z naszymi wysokimi wymaganiami i standardami korporacyjnymi oraz przynoszą oczekiwane rezultaty.

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Stefania Basciu Starszy menedżer Topcon Agriculture
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Zespół Innowise jest w stanie wdrażać nowe funkcje szybciej niż nasz wewnętrzny zespół. Ich komunikacja jest skuteczna i nastawiona na rozwiązania. Szybko dostarczają wysokiej jakości wyniki.

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Kevin Day Założyciel i prezes Trąbka

Przestań tracić sen nad projektem IT.

Zatrudnienie dedykowanego zespołu programistów.

Projekty związane z dedykowanym zespołem

Najczęściej zadawane pytania (FAQ)

It is a group of specialized software developers contracted by an external company, who are exclusively dedicated to working for your organization, known as a dedicated development group. These developers are referred to as “dedicated” because of their sole concentration on a particular project. This approach eliminates the need for internal hiring and provides a group of expert developers fully devoted to your company’s project.

Consider what type of project you are working on, as well as how much time and resources you have to dedicate to it. Research different companies and read reviews from past customers to get an idea of their work quality. You should also look at portfolios or ask to see examples of previous projects they’ve worked on. Make sure the company you select understands your goals and has the right expertise to bring your vision to life.

Podejście dedykowanego zespołu to dobrze ugruntowana metoda tworzenia oprogramowania, która ułatwia długoterminową zdalną współpracę z klientami. To podejście partnerskie daje możliwość złożenia grupy ekspertów specjalnie wybranych do osiągnięcia celów biznesowych. W przeciwieństwie do procesu zatrudniania wewnętrznego personelu, praca z dedykowaną grupą eliminuje odpowiedzialność za zarządzanie administracyjne, HR, podatkowe i świadczenia, pozwalając Ci skupić się na kluczowych kwestiach biznesowych, podczas gdy dedykowana grupa zajmuje się resztą.

The cost of hiring dedicated software development teams depends on many factors such as their expertise, the scope of work, the number of developers, and how long they’ll be working for you. Make sure to shop around and get quotes from different companies so that you can find a cost-effective solution that offers the best value for your investment.

Managing an external development team is no easy task, but Innowise can make it simpler. We’ll help you select the right people for your project and ensure they understand their responsibilities. Plus, we can provide a project manager to keep track of the dedicated developers’ progress. We will ensure that your project is managed efficiently and effectively.

Prawie wszystkie branże mogą skorzystać z zatrudnienia dedykowanych zespołów. Wybierając dedykowany zespół programistyczny, firmy mają dostęp do specjalistycznej wiedzy, zapewniając spełnienie specyficznych wymagań projektu. Dedykowany menedżer projektu koordynuje pracę każdego członka zespołu, zapewniając, że zadania są zgodne z potrzebami branży. Wyobraź sobie, że potrzebujesz rozwiązań oprogramowania wbudowanego, ale nie masz takich inżynierów w swoim wewnętrznym zespole, więc zatrudniasz dedykowanych programistów.

Yes, when working with a reputable outsourcing partner, your project data remains secure. Trusted vendors prioritize clients’ intellectual property rights and often have strict non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) in place. A comprehensive service level agreement (SLA) further ensures data protection and privacy, outlining security protocols the outsourced team must adhere to.

Oczywiście. Jedną z głównych zalet zatrudnienia dedykowanych programistów jest skalowalność. W miarę jak wymagania Twojego projektu ewoluują, możesz łatwo zwiększyć lub zmniejszyć liczbę zatrudnionych programistów, zapewniając elastyczność i efektywność. To podejście zapewnia, że inwestujesz w zasoby tylko wtedy, gdy są one naprawdę potrzebne.

Onsite teams work at the client’s location, enabling direct interaction and immediate feedback. Nearshore teams operate in a nearby country or region, offering similar time zones and cultural similarities, which aid communication and collaboration. Dedicated offshore developers are based in distant countries, typically where labor costs are lower. While it offers the most efficient cost model, communication challenges can arise due to time zone differences and potential cultural disparities.

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    Nagraj wiadomość głosową na temat projekt, który pomoże nam lepiej go zrozumieć
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    Co będzie dalej?


    Po otrzymaniu i przetworzeniu wniosku skontaktujemy się z Tobą, aby szczegółowo opisać potrzeby projektu i podpisać umowę NDA w celu zapewnienia poufności.


    Po przeanalizowaniu Twoich potrzeb i oczekiwań, nasz zespół opracuje propozycję projektu z zakresem prac, wielkością zespołu, czasem i szacunkowymi kosztami.


    Zorganizujemy spotkanie w celu omówienia oferty i ustalenia szczegółów.


    Na koniec podpiszemy umowę i od razu rozpoczniemy pracę nad projektem.


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